Hotel Bukik Gadang is magnificent hotel in the District Sijunjung. Strategically located in the middle of the capital district Sijunjung, precisely on the Bukik Gadang Sijunjung Muaro. Therefore, this magnificent hotel called Hotel Bukik Gadang. Hotel Bukik Gadang established in 2003 by the Regional Government of Kab Sijunjung. From year to year Bukik Hotel Gadang start and grow a lot in the visit by the tourists, visitors and local people who want to stay at this hotel.
Bukik large hotels have many facilities including: Room consists of berberapa types ranging from Standard Rooms, Family Rooms Rooms to suites, meeting space that consists of Convention Room (150 seats), the Laweh Room (35 seats), Durian Gadang Room (35 temat seated), Pulai Berambai Room (20 seats), Room Theater, Restaurant and Coffee Shop, Drug Store, Loundry, and Jogging Track.
Sijunjung is a region rich in tourism because of this Hotel Bukik Gadang package also offers a tour package to the tourists in the city or town. a tour package that consists of Nature Tourism, Culture Tours, History Tours, Culinary Tours, Sports Tours, Religious Tours, Shopping Tours, Special Interest Tours, Travel and General
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